With Christmas around the corner, mandarins and oranges start popping up everywhere. In supermarkets, you’ll often find oranges wrapped in red mesh bags. But that choice isn’t just for looks—it’s a clever sales trick.
Why red mesh? It’s a simple way to make oranges seem more appealing to our eyes and brains, even if the fruit is a bit lackluster. Scientists have studied this phenomenon, which they call the “Confetti illusion.” Arriving fashionably late to the scene, they discovered the visual effect caused by the red mesh bag. They’ve given it the grand name “perceptual ripening of oranges,” but let’s be real—it’s just color assimilation doing the work.
Color assimilation is when different hues blend in our perception, changing how we see things. In this case, the red mesh combines with the actual color of the fruit (fig. A), making the oranges look brighter and more appealing (fig. B)—a little trick on the eyes.

Scientists recently confirmed what artists and salespeople have known for centuries: color assimilation can shape how we see things, especially in shopping. The illusion works because most people trust what they see without taking a closer look. But once out of the red mesh, the oranges often aren’t as shiny or ripe as they first appeared.
Curious to learn more about how color influences perception? Check out my color research and visual experiments on my Behance page.