Breathing Hexagon

This is one of my earliest self-moving op art works (2003). Have a look at the static image above, don’t you have the feeling that the sets of lenticular shapes seem to expand?

This piece is accessible in various formats, including prints, posters, and t-shirts, through my art gallery shop.

Below is an animated variant made of multiple frames, each one being the same in shape but different in color. So, in the animated GIF, only color hues change smoothly. But as you can see, the end result is pretty amazing – It seems as if the hexagon (or the cube) slowly pulsates with each frame-change/transition. Despite the apparent movement, each lenticular shape remains stationary, and the pattern still somehow manages to “breathe”!

Breathing Hexagon

In any static image, a progressive or regressive hue sliding can induce a spatial visual sensation and a compelling motion effect. I have created a tutorial to elucidate the mechanics behind this illusion.